Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why I'm so passionate about Down syndrome



I know...that was obvious. I'm including a few less obvious reasons, below.

Also a bit obvious? OK, how about this as another reason I'm passionate about Down syndrome?


If so, keep reading during this month of 31 for 21--Down Syndrome Awareness!


Anonymous said...

You really need to get up about 4am because I am having a hard time waiting to read your blog every day. Also, you have now set the tone for more entries on a regular basis. Love you,


Reading Widely said...

I totally agree! Down syndrome has had an amazing impact on my boys. They are more understanding, more gentle and more caring than they ever would have been otherwise. They ADORE their sister and think she's perfect (and they're right!).

Anonymous said...

I so agree! having our special DS sweetie, has been an incredible blessing to our entire family! seeing how sweet and tender my other kids are wiht G, just warms my heart! they definitely have developed an awareness of others with special needs as a result. Love your blog, Jill!

Difference2This1 said...

Thank you for posting about DS and other recent posts that really addressed some tough issues. I have popped in on your blog here and there over the past few months, but as we wait for our boys (one with DS), I will be reading more regularly. I appreciate learning everything you have to share about DS this month!! God bless, Jennifer