Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Only in our home...

...would you hear these comments. OK, maybe in a few other multi-national, special needs households, but really, how common is a family like this? :-)

The kids recently had a couple of friends over to play. As part of a homeschooling moment, I made African Groundnut sauce over rice. I was explaining to our friends about the dish (and that I would happily provide a substitute lunch for them!) when one of them said, "My favorite type of food is Mexican."

Luke's deadpan response? "My favorite kind of sibling is Chinese."

A frequent conversation at our house involves the four big kids (Luke, Alex, Song, Anna) placing a future 'claim' on one of the Downsey girls. As in, "Ella gets to live with me when mom and dad die." I found out, though, that one of the big kids thought they had to take one of the Downsey girls with them when they left home! Appealing as that thought may be some days, I assured this child that they were all welcome to grow up and have their own lives! I am glad, however, that they feel like having one of the girls around would be a plus.

Yesterday, as I was teaching the big kids, Vera comes waltzing into the school room wearing a camo cap (backwards) and...something related to hunting in cold weather that we were given by a friend who clearly doesn't realize we don't hunt. I took the pictures on my phone because I had it in the school room, so the pics aren't particularly clear.

Boy, did we all have a huge laugh! When Luke stopped trying to pose Vera for all these pictures I told the kids that I didn't think their future families would ever be as endlessly entertaining as the family they have now!! So, of course, they again started to lay claim to their Downsey siblings...I guess they believed me and didn't want a future without their silly sisters.

The funniest thing I've heard lately, though, comes from the Daddy of the Downseys. John's family was having a semi-serious discussion of words they would like on their headstones when John chimed in that his should have a mere four words:



Arizona mom to eight said...

Loved the pictures! My older sons talk about their sisters living with them, but my 16 year old is worried about it. I suppose for a girl who does not claim to want kids, the concept is pretty scary, we assured her we planned on being around for a really long time. I love the 4 words.

Leslie said...

Those pics of Vera are too funny! I love hearing about the laughter and silliness in your home. It's sweet. I love too that they are laying claim to having their sisters with them!

The Rusty Hoe said...

LOL! Vera, Vera, Vera! How you are loved!