Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Our Year in Birthdays and Anniversaries

With the hopeful addition of Hudson Dean to the family, we now have birthdays in 9 out of 12 months! Here's a list of birthdays and anniversaries (wedding and adoption) by month:

*January--Emma's birthday

*February--Vera's birthday (her real one, that is)


*April--Song's birthday

*May--John's birthday

*June--Alex's birthday

*July--Song's adoption anniversary

*August--Ella's birthday
Jill's birthday


*October--Luke's birthday
Vera's adoption anniversary

*November--Hudson Dean's birthday
Alex's adoption anniversary

*December--Anna's birthday
Ella's adoption anniversary
John & Jill wedding anniversary

Now if only we could get Hudson Dean's adoption anniversary to fall in March or September....


liesel said...

So do you celebrate adoption anniversaries the same as birthdays? (Do the adopted kids get 2 celebrations) I'm still trying to figure out how to do that. Personally I would prefer, I think, to make the bigger deal out of the adoption anniversary, since we wouldn't have been together for her birth. How do others do that?

Laura Lu said...

Oooo...I'm praying for Hudson to be the March anniversary!