Lucky for us, I had already purchased the key ingredients for this delightful dish at the local Farmer's market. Tonight, I went a little bit crazy and took actual pictures of the food as I prepared it...with my phone. Well, I took pictures with my phone. I didn't prepare the food with my phone, although on many nights that would be a good explanation for what I made.
On to the food, you say? Let's!
First, the vegetables: shaved ribbons of carrots, thinly sliced red onions (substituted for scallions), kale, green cabbage, and baby bok choy (added just because) as pictured, below. Doesn't that look fresh and yummy? I think it would make a great salad with some tomatoes.
To that, I added a cup of gluten-free, all purpose flour because Miss Emma has celiac disease and needs to be gluten free. I tossed the veggies with flour to coat them...not quite as fresh and yummy looking now, BUT...
BACON!!!! No, that wasn't in the original recipe, but...BACON!!! I had six pieces left from the BLT salad last night and decided to use the rest to add a little kick to the veggies. I think this is a must if you have a family like mine, who all think I'm being abusive to them if supper doesn't include meat
Let's detour to my little side dish which is Dean's favorite thing in the world to eat: fruit salad. (I'm using Blogger's iPad app and can't quite discern any way to change the picture order nor to make a hyper link...)
Back to the pancakes. I added the crumbled bacon. I know you might be confused when you look at the picture below, but that's what I did. Cooked it, drained it on paper towels, crumbled it, put it on the veggies. Still confused? Yeah. I thought not. I am the master of explanations.
Now,I'm sure I don't need to tell you, my amazing reader, just what happened next. It's immediately obvious that I lightly beat a dozen eggs and stirred them into the veggie/BACON/Flour mixture, right? Sure!
This next step was fun...making the sauce to drizzle over the pancakes, NOT the fruit salad. This involved whisking together ketchup, Dijon mustard, Worcester sauce, honey, GF soy sauce, etc... Oh look! It's the web page with a picture of the finished product. Not MY finished product, mind you. I mean, they got pretty close and stuff so let's not be too hard on her.
And on a melamine plate many of you may remember seeing at Target last summer, we have Vera's meal. I mean, not this exact plate, unless you live in my same small town AND read my blog. Hi, Alynn!
So, did it pass the Spicer test? Indeed! Not a bite was left. The kids said they could taste the veggies, and that was a good thing! I thought the bacon added a lot for such a small amount. The sauce seemed almost like BBQ sauce, so next time I might use more soy sauce and ginger. It was a really easy item to prepare and cook and make gluten-free, so I believe we will do it again!
As noted in the website from which I took this recipe, the combinations for veggies and even meats are almost endless:
For all of you who have made it to the end of my second (last?) cooking blog post (hi, Alynn!), I won't be on for a while because I am having neck surgery (discectomy, etc.) in the morning. I really don't have a sense for how long my recovery might take, so I'll see you on the flip side!! All prayers are deeply appreciated!
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