Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Veronika Hope!!!

My little Russian Czarina is now a big 10 years old!!!

We celebrated in all the usual Spicerish ways...decorating the kitchen/breakfast room, opening gifts first thing in the morning, a treasure hunt (thanks to Anna this time), and after dinner we have a birthday dessert. This year, it was a birthday trifle. Vera generously gave the trifle to the rest of us while she had ice cream. We were all happy.

I was trying to think of the ways in which my Vera had changed over the past year. She's had a grown spurt, is still slender, still needs glasses, still thinks she is a boy and dresses accordingly. Oh wait, I'm supposed to talk about changes. I think her behavior is much, much better, more obedient and she has even developed some patience. Her looks are changing from a cute little girl to a cute pre-teen. She is ready to start being a big part of chores, although I imagine that she will still need a lot of reminding.

Some things never change, though...she is still my sunshine. She can frustrate me (us) to pieces while in the next breath making us all laugh so hard at her antics. Her expressive face is priceless, her body language speaks volumes, and her physical moves astound us. She wants us to be involved in all of her pursuits and anxiously looks forward to her next sporting event or her next date with mom.

The thing about Vera that I would have a hard time living without, though, is her absolute love for me, and her intense expression of it. "Mommy, come snug me." She says this in the evenings, as she needs her snuggle time with me. "Mommy, I missed you." The first time she said that I cried. It's nice to be missed, and so especially nice to be loved by Vera.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!



Waitingfaithfully said...

Happy 10th Birthday sweet Vera, the sunshine girl!!

Many blessings~


Sarah said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to your darling girl.

janice fenimore said...

Jill, I loved all the pictures of the birthday girl and everyone else. I have seen that trifle somewhere, but I can't remember where. I guess it was Southern Living. It looks very good.
