Sunday, February 15, 2009

Alex Cooks

In case you thought I was getting too maudlin in my last post, I now present the first in a series of four (so far) episodes of Alex Cooks, featuring my son Luke. Maybe it's because we're his parents, but we think these are hilarious, in no small part due to the camerawork, or the deplorable lack thereof. He's made four so far, and the latter episodes are funnier than this one because Alex isn't in them. (Alex and Song are known for lots of good things, but unfortunately comic timing isn't one of them.)

Luke says we will put up a new episode each day, which would certainly improve my usual average of one posting per month.


1 comment:

Alana said...

A charity for rabies? That is priceless! I love it...I am crying I am laughing so hard!